In celebration of my 28th birthday, I’d like to talk about 28 traits I want to cultivate in this next year of my life.
I want to be more…
1. Courageous
2. Confident
3. Authentic
4. Assertive
5. Self-Compassionate
6. Positive
7. Curious
8. Full of Wonder
9. Independent
10. Trusting
11. Humble
12. Selfless
13. Generous
14. Energetic
15. Risk-taking
16. Spontaneous
17. Adaptable
18. Serene
19. Patient
20. A Good Leader
21. Decisive
22. Playful
23. Balanced
24. Eloquent
25. Focused
26. Strong
27. Forgiving
28. Emotionally Regulated
But wait…why am I always so focused on where I need to improve? This past year my focus phrase was “Make Mistakes,” as I wanted to work on overcoming my perfectionism and not being so hard on myself all the time. I struggle to see the good in myself, so of course it’s even more difficult to recognize my strengths publicly. So as an exercise of practicing this right here and now, I’m going to list 28 traits I think I’m already strong in. I am…
1. Kind
2. Caring
3. Empathetic
4. Intuitive
5. Honest
6. a Pursuer of Excellence
7. Accurate
8. Encouraging
9. Creative
10. Disciplined
11. Responsible
12. Appreciative
13. Clever
14. Considerate
15. Hard-working
16. Deep
17. Helpful
18. Loyal
19. Passionate
20. Perceptive
21. Principled
22. Respectful
23. Resourceful
24. Studious
25. Sensitive
26. Wise
27. Warm
28. Persevering
As we come to a new year soon, which often naturally brings about reflection, think on the traits you want to develop this year…but also don’t forget to think on what you’re great at and how far you’ve come. Celebrate your progress, no matter how big or small.
Comment down below to tell me some of the traits you’ve made progress in cultivating this year! 🙂
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