Let me preface this post by saying that I love how Annamotion is all about supporting and inspiring young women through what can be a fairly strange time in life. Anna is creating a space that inspires young women and it really resonates with me, especially since Keep in the Sunshine is a space to inspire young families.
After speaking with Anna, I knew that I wanted to give back to young women in some small way. And so in this post I share some of my hard-learned lessons with the hope that they provide comfort, hope, and possibly a little inspiration to 20-somethings wherever you may be.
This guest post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion.
1. Life post college takes some getting used to.
The transition from living in the “college bubble” to living in the “real world” can be a little difficult at first. Your friends typically disperse (in my case to all corners of the U.S. and abroad). That community you spent 3-4 years building all of a sudden isn’t there to support you in the same way. Maybe you move to a big city or across the globe. Maybe you have an hour commute that entails 3 types of public transportation (and yes, you should keep deodorant in your purse). The days feel longer. Work feels like work. Just know that you aren’t alone and that it all takes a little bit of time to get used to the changes and fall in love with your soon to be normal life.
2. Think of your first job as a stepping-stone.
It’s totally okay if you don’t love your first job. You don’t have to. What you do need is some type of experience, be it waiting tables, trying your hand at the entrepreneurial life, or working for corporate America. It’s all about the bigger picture. All those jobs and moments in your life (that make you wonder what in the world you are doing) take you to the next step. Know that each step can bring you closer to work that you find rewarding, engaging, and purposeful. You are on your path.
3. Let your social life be fun, weird, and uncomfortable.
You may have felt like a rock star with your friend group in college. You knew where you fit in. Maybe you were a part of clubs, teams, and organizations. It felt comfortable. Take solace knowing that your social life post college is going to be fun, a little weird, and at times totally uncomfortable. You’ll meet all sorts of people, have new experiences and sometimes be in situations you aren’t okay with. This is all good stuff. It helps you figure out what you want, what you don’t, and who you are.
4. You’ll make mistakes along the way. Own them and be accountable.
We all make mistakes on the regular. It’s how you learn, change, and grow from those missteps and misjudgments that matter. Your words and actions are yours alone. Be accountable for them. The mistakes you make along the way don’t define you, but how you handle them says a lot about your character. Acknowledge how you’ve faltered, remedy your errors when you can, but ultimately learn and do better.
5. Live your values.
Maybe you have your values and priorities all figured out. If you don’t, I highly recommend taking a moment to write them out. Think about what matters to you. Is giving back in some way a priority? Do you want your spending habits to reflect your priorities? Are you happy with how you spend your time on a daily basis? These types of questions will help you determine your values, whatever they may be (Family, Romance, Health, Security, Growth, etc.). Whatever your values and priorities are, the sooner you know them, the easier it will be to live them. And living your values is powerful. It really does create a life that feels in harmony because you are living in a way that is congruent with what you believe.
6. Travel and have new experiences.
Travel as much as you can. Live in different cities in in different countries. Meet people from different cultures and backgrounds, some who share your beliefs and others who challenge you. Open your eyes and take in all that life has to offer. All of these experiences will help you to know yourself better and what you want form life. Ultimately, you’ll see that most humans share the same basic principles of love and goodness across the world. On a side note, there are many inexpensive ways to travel. Don’t go into debt so you have more stuff or more experience.
7. Embrace the present and practice gratitude.
You never really know what can happen tomorrow. You are only guaranteed this moment. It may sound a little tacky but it’s true. Be in the moment. If you aren’t happy in the moment, then make changes. Be grateful for the now. Gratitude goes a very long way and is a practice that will positively affect your life for years to come. Show appreciation for those around you, from family to friends to coworkers. Practice gratitude daily and you will have a life that is grounded in the positive. The research proves it.
“Practice gratitude daily and you will have a life that is grounded in the positive.”
8. Stop comparing yourself to everyone else.
Theodore Roosevelt was spot on when he said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” In the age of social media, “reality” TV, and hyper connectedness, it seems we all are constantly comparing ourselves to our friends, friends of friends, and total strangers. Stop comparing your journey to someone else’s. You don’t actually know what they have been through or are going through. It’s easy to fall into the grass is always greener state of mind. When you find yourself in the comparison trap, resort to tip #7 and practice gratitude. It works.
9. Be open to change.
Great things can come to you if you are open to them. Know that life is fluid and there will be many ups and downs. Life unfolds in unknown ways and while the unknown can be scary, don’t try to understand it. Just be open to the changes that come your way and know that with a positive attitude the unknown can be pretty magical.
10. Take care of yourself.
Do this! Do this every single day. If you don’t have regular healthy habits yet, make them a priority. Eat well, exercise, and manage your stress. Don’t get to the point of burn out. If you are already there, then make big changes. There is absolutely nothing that matters more than your health. If you don’t feel well, you will have nothing to give anyone. Your work, relationships, and friendships will fall flat. When you feel strong and healthy, you have so much to give back. You’re here for a purpose, so feel good and share it with the world.
11. Treat other women well.
Women are your peers. Bring each other up instead of taking each other down. Period.
12. Do good.
Whatever you choose in this life, find ways to do good. It can be in small ways or big ways. Just do good on the regular. This is the one thing that we can all do daily and it has the power to change the world.
There you have it. While I may have wished for this knowledge to be passed down via letter at the start of my 20s, let’s face it, would I have really listened or fully understood?
At the end of the day, you are on your journey and yours alone. So embrace it, know that you are the only one who truly understands your path, and follow your gut.
Keep well,
Sandra Kermode is a Family Coach and helps parents with young kids create more balance at home. Through her model of whole family wellness, she supports parents so they can enjoy their children (and their life) to the fullest. For weekly tips and ideas on creating more balance at home, join the newsletter and check out the blog.
I love how Sandra touches on all important things concerning this subject. Also anyone can read this and take something positive away from it.
I also loved how she encouraged women to have eachothers back, and stop comparing lives. But to help in lifting ine another up.
Great post. Thans for sharing!
This is a great list. Especially owning your mistakes. We started teaching that to our children when they were younger.
LOVE this. 3 years later I’m just coming out of a post college funk. Real life is hard but these a great steps to take to be the best you can.
One thing I would add would be to be careful not to get stuck. It’s easy to break out of your comfort zone in college and it’s just as easy to get stagnant post college. Keep growing and learning. Don’t settle.
Great great post. Thank you!
Just what I needed to read right now! Just graduated last December and life is definitely not what I would have expected. Love this post!