Guess what! Tomorrow (December 13th, 2015) is my 22nd birthday! I've been reflecting on my life and I would like to share with you 22 lessons I've learned in my 22 years of life. Note, this post contains affiliate links because I've included some recommendations of books I love. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This post originally appeared on Anna's 1st blog, … [Read more...]
I won’t have any friends if I pursue self-improvement
This post originally appeared on Anna's 1st blog, Annamotion. If I keep improving, I'll outgrow all of my good friendships. No one I care about will like me if I change. I either need to please my friends to keep them or continue my growth and have no friends. What do you do when your friends don't like the improvements you've made in your life or they don't understand why you're changing? Have you ever dealt with this issue of natural separation from friends when you've chased after your goals of personal growth? Sabotage Have you ever … [Read more...]
I should evaluate my growth by the growth of others.
This post originally appeared on Anna's 1st blog, Annamotion. In one year's time she was way farther along than I am. I must not be good enough. All of these people are so much better at this than I am. I must not be growing as much as I should and could. I feel like such a failure. maybe I'm not meant to do this. I thought I had the skill, but I guess I don't. Have you ever looked at the progress others have made, especially those who started at the same time as you, and felt really discouraged because they have grown so much faster than … [Read more...]
I don’t have the willpower & discipline to improve.
This post originally appeared on Anna's 1st blog, Annamotion. It takes a more disciplined person to grow. Self-improvement is only for ambitious people. I can't be like them. It's too hard for someone of my personality. Have you ever thought that? I would consider myself to be a highly disciplined person because of my personality and how I was raised. But even for a "disciplined" person like me, it's a constant battle to not give into laziness! Because, you see, discipline is hard work for everyone. That's why it is called discipline. … [Read more...]
People can’t change
This post originally appeared on Anna's 1st blog, Annamotion. Weak people will always be weak. Jerks will always be jerks. I will always have a bad temper. It's my nature, so I might as well just accept it. Have you ever thought a similar lie? Have you ever been hurt by someone who said they couldn't help it, it's just who they are? I'm here to tell you today that there is a difference between permanent personality and the character traits that can grow and regress. I am not here to tell you where that line is drawn all the time … [Read more...]
I have to see results to count it as improvement.
This post originally appeared on Anna's 1st blog, Annamotion. I've been working hard at this for months and I'm wondering if it's been a waste. I'm not seeing the fruit of my labor yet. I must not be improving at all! Have you ever thought this? Perhaps you've been strength training for weeks and still have not seen a noticeable difference in your body. Perhaps you've been playing guitar now for several months and still have nothing to show for it. Perhaps you've tried to improve your writing by making yourself write for a little bit … [Read more...]
I’m too busy to spend time on self-improvement.
My life is too busy already. There's no way I can even squeeze it in. Besides, trying to add one more thing to do today will just exhaust and stress me out even more. I just don't have enough time! Have you ever told that to yourself? When you already feel like you have a million and one things to do each day and not enough time, of course you don't want to add something else to your task-list, even if you know it is something you'd love to do. Whenever I talk to my friends, "not having enough time" seems to be the #1 reason why they … [Read more...]
I’ll start tomorrow.
It's getting late. I've missed my best window of opportunity. I still have so many other things left to do. It's ok; I'll just start tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. You know you've said "I'll start tomorrow" before, but it has been five thousand four hundred and thirty two tomorrows and you still have not done it. There are probably a hundred things you've said in your lifetime that you would start tomorrow, but they are now totally forgotten. We use this phrase as a way to rationalize procrastinating. Saying "I'll start tomorrow" feels … [Read more...]
My past has no value for my present & future.
Looking back keeps me from moving forward. Why would I waste my time and make myself feel bad by looking back at times of my past that I am embarrassed by? My past is worthless to me; I'd rather just forget it and pretend it never happened because it reminds me of a me that I do not like. Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever been so embarrassed by your past that you deny it or ignore the fact that it happened? In all honesty, I'm embarrassed to look back at my past when I was so weak because I hardly ever worked out. I think I'm even … [Read more...]
I have to be perfect at this right now.
This post originally appeared on Anna's 1st blog, Annamotion. Anna is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I just can't get it right! Everyone else is so amazing at this; they barely even have to try! It comes so naturally to them. Why is it not working for me? I must not be good enough to do this. Look at her. She knows what she's doing and is so perfect at what she does! But … [Read more...]