This post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion.
This month’s interview is with Colleen Brovont. I met this lovely lady online 5+ years ago and we finally got to meet in person last year (summer 2015). I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in her wedding and now she will be the Matron of Honor in my wedding coming up here soon on October 21st, 2016!!! I know this is a friendship that God, Himself, brought together and I am so thankful He did! Colleen has such a wise and loving heart that has inspired me more than she even knows. I know you’ll be blessed and encouraged (and hopefully even challenged!) by what she has to say today.
Tell us a little about yourself. Who are you? What should we know about you?
“I’m Colleen. I’m a Christian and a wife–I’ve been married just over a year and am loving it! I enjoy summer, beaches, traveling with my husband, seahorses, making smoothies, pilates, reading, and my cat family (which currently multiplied to nine here at my home right now!). I work as a secretary for a chiropractor and also as a secretary for a nutritionist.”
The Journey of Growth
What is an area of your life that you feel you have grown the most in?
“I feel like I have grown in so many ways over this last year, especially with the new changes that marriage and new jobs bring. When you ask me about my growth today, though, I want to focus on the aspect of my spiritual growth, firstly because sanctification is so important and secondly, although I will never “arrive” at Christ-likeness, it is encouraging to look back and see how He is continuing to bring that good work He started to completion (Philippians 1:6). We should never neglect our physical, social, and intellectual growth, for Christ Himself “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52), but above all we should “grow up in every way…into Christ” (Ephesians 4:15). Just as a physical growth is intrinsic to the life of any person, spiritual growth in the same way should be inherent to the life of a true believer.”
What happened in your life to cause you to take serious action and intentionally take the journey of growth?
“I was blessed to grow up in a godly home and was taught the Bible from a young age. At the age of four I recognized that I personally did not measure up to God’s just standard. Although compared to others, I looked pretty good (I never murdered anyone before, etc.), compared to God’s holy standard I was a sinner (I had lied before, disobeyed my parents, etc.). Failing at one point made me guilty and I was in need of His mercy and grace. He saved me with His righteousness from the wrath I deserved.
Years later I went to a Christian camp called the Wilds in North Carolina. Rand Hummel was the speaker that week and he told us numerous times that “there are only two choices on the shelf: loving God or loving self.” I had pictured one day, eventually, having a really close relationship with God, being faithful in my devotions every day, having a good prayer life, etc., but it was at the Wilds where I realized that unless I am intentional now about choosing to do something, I won’t one day just wake up and be that person/have those disciplines. I also gripped the reality that life is short and how I choose to live now really does matter for all of eternity–not to try to earn or win God’s favor in my own striving or strength (my good works are like filthy rags compared to His goodness!), but for the purpose of simply living for Him because He has done so much for me and His will for me (and all Christians!) is that we bring Him glory.”
Overcoming Obstacles
What is one of the biggest obstacles you face? How do you overcome it?
“Everyday there are obstacles or choices that can directly affect my relationship with God–from getting up early before work and reaching for my Bible first, to my response and interactions with others throughout the day, to just trying to concentrate and fight a million random thoughts when I pray. Everything takes a conscious choice and sometimes it’s more difficult than others. I am still learning and growing in different areas of spiritual disciplines that I desire to develop in my life. I can honestly say, however, that when I choose to spend time with God, there is joy…I never regret time spent with Him or in His Word (and I know in eternity I will probably only wish I spent more time!).”
What is one of your biggest motivations today?
“One of my biggest motivations today can be summed up by II Corinthians 5:14-15, “For the love of Christ controls us…He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sakes died and was raised.” My goal is to live for Him–there is nothing more worthwhile. I love knowing Him better. All relationships take effort, but as Rand Hummel told me years ago back at camp, “You can be as close to God as you want to be.” He also said it is good to stop and ask myself if there was ever a time when I was closer to God than what I am right now (and if so, to do something about it!). The Bible tells us to examine ourselves (I Corinthians 11:28), and though we all go through different seasons of life and ups and downs, we should make sure we are moving in the right direction and not allowing sin into our lives. When I was growing up, my dad told me that I never stay in the same place spiritually–I am either moving closer to God or drifting farther away from Him.”
What advice would you give to someone who wants to improve/grow, but just can’t seem to get going? Or doesn’t know where to start?
“My advice for spiritual growth is to get into God’s Word! Look for the Person it is about! I Peter 2:2 says, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby.” We grow by getting into His Word–this is how we know who God is and His truths for us! Be careful about context when you read. It is easy to start looking at everything like it is written either about yourself or a direct word to yourself. It is also easy to just open your Bible when you need comfort from the Psalms or an answer to a decision or hard time you’re facing. We live in a very self-centered, “me” culture and while the Bible does give us amazing truths for when we need comfort and guidance, and it also reveals much about ourselves and who we are in Christ, it would be missing SO much to go to God’s Word looking only for how we can make it relate to ourselves and forgetting to find what it says about God! When you start, have realistic plans for when/what/and how much you read (and read to learn, not to check boxes for “today’s reading”). Something is better than nothing. If you’re not use to spending daily time with God, you may need to start small (think of setting 15 minutes aside–and maybe don’t plan to immediately jump from nothing to an hour, unless of course you feel like that is what God is leading you to do). Start small, but start.
Some days your reading may seem like dry cereal. Other days it may feel like a full meal of meat and potatoes. And other days yet, as you keep persevering and praying for God to open your eyes to His truth, you will find dessert for your soul! If you have trouble concentrating as you pray, I found writing them in a journal helps me stay focused. Also, try praying by using the Scripture you are reading (Psalms is a wonderful place to start with this!). John 14:21 says, “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” He reveals Himself to those who are following in His steps (and you need to know His Word in order to do that!). His Word is a source of victory in our lives–against wrong thinking, temptation, etc.–but we can’t apply a truth we haven’t discovered! We need to be in His Word! My siblings and I will always remember my dad telling us to “saturate” ourselves in God’s Word. The more you put into yourself, the more will come out in your thoughts, actions, interactions, etc.”
Do you have any resources you’d like to share that have helped you?
“There are so many resources that have encouraged and instructed me in my spiritual growth. A few of them would be:
- The Inductive Bible study from Precept Ministries–This is what I have currently been using in my own devotions and is a great way to dig deeper into God’s Word! It has changed the way I study the Bible and I am understanding the books in a deeper way!
- What Do I Know about My God by Mardi Collier–I read this years ago and it is a wonderful resource for reading the Bible while looking for the Person it is about and reflecting on the truths and characteristics of that Person!
- Changed into His Image by Jim Berg–This book really impacted my Christian growth as well. I used the Student Edition in highschool and it helped shape how I viewed myself and God.
- I have read many of Nancy Leigh Demoss’s books! A Place of Quiet Rest is very informative regarding personal Bible study and if you’re looking for a place to start with having your own devotional time, I would highly recommend 30 Days through the Psalms!
- I also have read many of John MacArthur’s books and enjoy listening to His messages at He is very in-depth and has many resources available on many different topics.”
Reaping the Benefits
What have been some of the most rewarding parts of your hard work?
“It is so rewarding when you find new truths! All the time and labor spent digging into God’s Word is worth it. The more time I spend in the Bible, the more I understand it and the more I learn about Christ, the more I love Him.
How can a (woman) keep (her) way pure?
By guarding it according to your word.
With my whole heart I seek you;
let me not wander from your commandments!
I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Blessed are you, O Lord;
teach me your statutes!
With my lips I declare
all the rules of your mouth.
In the way of your testimonies I delight
as much as in all riches.
I will meditate on your precepts
and fix my eyes on your ways.
I will delight in your statutes;
I will not forget your word.”
Psalm 119:9-16
Hello Anna, I enjoyed reading Colleen’s interview. I always enjoy learning about women of faith and their walk with God. I believe it is so important to share our stories, our testimonies to tell others of God’s goodness and glory! I also plan to check out a few of the resources.