Dan Udale is a personal friend of mine whom I met through Twitter. I quickly resonated with his words through his tweets and episodes of the Know Yourself Podcast. He has a passion for helping people in the areas of mental health and personal development. Dan has been such a huge source of inspiration and encouragement to me over this past year of knowing him. I know you will benefit from hearing his story and wisdom about self-examination and learning more about who you are.
Self-examination can be an intimidating and vulnerable exercise. Perhaps you already do some form of self-evaluation—that appraisal for work, you’re a teacher trying to improve your lesson plans, or you’re a parent just trying to figure out how to balance looking after the kids with everything else.
Ultimately this process of figuring out who we are requires this technique of evaluation.
It doesn’t have to sound and feel so corporate; it can be an emotional process, and, moreover, it can be positive. To look at your life now and recognise that you aren’t where you want to be requires humility. It means you may experience some discomfort because you may have to take accountability for the fact that YOU could be the reason you’re not happy with something in your life.
I know, I never said that this was going to be easy. I promise you though if you really want control over who you are as an individual, it requires taking accountability for your shortcomings as well as your talents and gifts. This isn’t some self-help stuff; you’re not just going to start taking accountability for things in your life, because we are human. We avoid pain and discomfort.
If your intent is right though and you genuinely want to change or just figure out who you are, then I’ll detail out my experience in the hope of inspiring or helping someone else. It’s a slow process. It’s frustrating and feels like trying to power walk through treacle. But you will make it through the treacle with persistent effort.
Who am I though, right? Why am I subscribing pain?
I started therapy 7 years ago. In my first session with my therapist I said something profound when asked why I was there, “I don’t know who I am anymore.” I felt like Keanu Reeves when he wakes up for the first time after being unplugged from the Matrix. I didn’t have cool Kung fu powers, but I was a complete blank slate.
I didn’t have my own identity that I had created; I was imitating everyone else. I was insecure because I was constantly lying to myself about the story of my life. I didn’t want to own the things that had happened to me or that I had done, because that meant doing something about those things. The fact was that I had experienced some trauma just like you probably have already or will in your life. I had a tumultuous relationship with my mom, to the point where we wouldn’t speak if we were in the same room.
I spent some serious time (like a year) just picking apart my life, getting it all out on the table and accepting that stuff had happened. It was a weight off my shoulders and a trauma in itself validating that I had been through some difficult moments. It was frustrating for me because after addressing stuff I still didn’t feel any different. I still didn’t know who I was.
I approached my therapist one session and exclaimed that, “I just want you to fix me.” She leant forward and said that “no one can tell you who you are, Dan. Figuring out who you are is something you do for yourself.”
I was absolutely gutted. I felt rejected, I was angry, and honestly I made a lot of excuses to myself. After that interaction though, something inside me changed for the better. I started turning up to session with prepared thoughts that were on my mind. I would reflect on my life in between sessions like I was in a counseling session in my head, talking to myself. I started taking ownership for my therapy journey, taking charge of the sessions, and making my journey a priority.
So that’s what I want to do for you.
I want to flip this back onto you.
No one is going to figure it out for you. You have to take your life and literally pursue your reflection with purpose.
The sad truth is that most people never truly figure out who they are. They subscribe to outside sources to feed their identity. I should know because that’s what I did my whole life. Now I’m not sitting here exactly selling this whole self-discovery stuff. I’m also not claiming to be some self-enlightened guru. I’m on the path though, and looking back it feels much better to be on the path than where I was before.
So going back to this self-evaluation I talked about at the start, it’s actually not as cumbersome and woo woo as it sounds. It’s like how at the start of a relationship, you’re trying to figure out what the other person wants and needs from the relationship. You’re trying to figure out what their aspirations are, what they want to be doing in 5 years’ time, what music they like, what their favourite experiences are. Get it? Great, now go do that, but this time the relationship is with you.
Now, there is something to be said about self-awareness in this process. I started really playing around and experimenting with figuring out what makes me tick when I started doing things on my own. So it would get to the weekend a lot of the time and I would find myself stuck for something to do. I’d sit watching Netflix or playing video games. I did enjoy these things, but I slaved myself to them because I didn’t know where else to direct my energy. It wasn’t until a couple of years into therapy that I started going to a pub around the corner from my therapist to chill out after a session and to collect my thoughts.
This process of doing something I wanted to do (even though I thought it was weird) was the first little step for me doing things for me! It blossomed from there, I started to forget about what other people might think. I started going to the cinema on my own, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I would go out for meals on my own. My confidence started growing as I did things I felt like doing, that I felt like I gravitated towards.
That’s all it was: intuition.
I let my feelings guide me to the things that felt like me, and I started to develop an idea of who I was in my head.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this piece and got some value out of it.
Dan is our first returning guest poster! He also shared 3 Life Lessons from Shazam.
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Dan Udale is a Podcaster, Blogger, and trainee Counsellor. Dan started Know Yourself Podcast to help others that are seeking information around mental health and personal development as a result of managing PTSD and anxiety since the age of 16. It would mean the world to me if you could take a look at the podcast, if it brings you value please subscribe to get more useful content.
I love this! “No one is going to figure this out for you.” very well said. Great post!
He did a great job, indeed!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment!
Love this post! Thank you for sharing your story Dan, an inspiration. Emma x
Thank you so much for reading and commenting on his post! 🙂
This was such a great read. So relatable and inspiring! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment! It means a lot to us! 💜
I wish I had the confidence to go to the cinema on my own or to go for a meal on my own. I’m only just getting use to going into a pub to wait for my friends to arrive, rather than waiting outside.
I had to do a lot of self evaluation to process my childhood trauma, to curb my emotions and stop my risk taking behaviour, as well as to get control over my psychotic episodes being triggered by my anxiety disorders.
It’s hard work, but the pay off is worth it
I admire Dan’s bravery in that too! I still have yet to take myself out alone like that.
I’m so proud of you for all the work you’ve done! That is no easy task! And I’m so happy to hear that it’s been paying off for you!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting. It means a lot to us!
So true that it’s something you have to do alone even if it feels impossible! And I’m a big believer that we should all do our best to be aware of our strengths and weaknesses to help us figure out how to best apply ourselves and handle situations. Really interesting read x
Yes, I totally agree! Awareness of self is the key to personal growth!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! It means a lot to us!
This was a great read. I love how he said no one else is going to figure it out for you. This was really inspiring!
Yes! I agree! I love that point he made!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! It means a lot to us both!
Loved This. therapy honestly changed my life!
Me too!
I wish more people would give it a try; it’s so incredibly helpful.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
THis is an inspiring read and reminder. Life isn’t easy and to truly succeed at it you need to take some hard looks, make some hard decisions and own the good, the bad and the ugly…. and grow
Yes! Beautifully put!
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