I’d like to introduce you to Harshit Sagar—one of the most inspiring 16 year olds I’ve ever met! If there were more like him, the world would truly be a better place. He has a powerful story to share with us today—a totally movie-worthy story about bullying, confidence, and facing insecurity. I know you’ll leave today feeling inspired from reading what he has to say. Enjoy!
Bullying is no new concept to people. It’s been no surprise people—mostly students—all over the world suffer from this. I was no exception. As a non-athletic studious boy I suffered from bullying, not physical but verbal. It still got to me though I couldn’t go to my parents because I don’t know why, but I felt helpless and just tired from all this.
There seemed to be no way out, but my friends advised me to start playing basketball. They had to be kidding! I literally had no interest in sports of any kind, but they were insistent. I got good, not an exceptional level player but just good. I found an escape on the court and, most of all, the people were not judgmental in court but supportive. I finally had someone to lean on. I was happy, but that was not all…
I was still being abused in the hallways. I had expected some magical thing to happen that would just make it all go away. I was determined to prove myself, which I thought would stop me from getting abused.
Then, one day I saw a notice about an Inter-squad Basketball tournament being held in the school. Needless to say, I tried out and got selected. I was the happiest man on earth that day. I would finally prove myself.
Now this should be the part where I work hard, turn my life around, train, emerge as a champion and the bullying finally stops. All this happened except I was not put on the court for a single minute and the bullying did not stop, rather I was ridiculed by them even more for this.
I was shattered.
“How could this have happened to me?”
“I was supposed to be the best.”
We all want to be heroes in our stories. The problem is we are fighting the wrong villains. So was I. The true enemy was my insecurity, which the bullies exploited.
Winter break started and while scrolling on my Instagram feed I found an image which showed a player on the field smiling while the crowd was booing him. It was titled “The people who are booing in the stands paid to watch the match. They are not on the field.” I related with it greatly so I looked up who put up the post and found a man who’s knowledge and advice would help me turn my life around and finally put a stop to my insecurities.
This man would help me start my own blog and lean into my passions. This man was none other than Gary Vaynerchuk aka Gary Vee. I followed him and saw his stuff and I was like “this man is spitting the truth.” I followed him on all social platforms and found his podcast. I listened to it immensely during my break.
One day I found Jay Shetty through his interviews. His lectures helped me reflect and gain self awareness and insight on my insecurities. I followed both of them religiously. I reflected deeply and when I went back to school after the break I was a changed man—one full of confidence and courage.
I was confronted by the bullies again, but this time I was ready. I was not fearful but brave. I had reflected on the bullies and why they troubled me. I had discovered that they were just as insecure as I was and were covering it up by bulling others. I thought about being the bigger man by walking away, but I decided to confront them. I blew up all those years of pent up anger. I called them out for being insecure and relying on bullying to feel confident about themselves. That I did not fear them anymore and that they should seek medical help.
They were in awe of how a boy who was so timid was standing up to them. Many others who had been bullied by them joined in, and I left the scene leaving them at the mercy of the crowd.
I felt bad for them, so I texted them the accounts of Gary Vee, Jay Shetty, and many other motivators and even offered to be there for them should they need me. They are changing—overcoming their insecurities and we are friends now. They apologized to everyone they bullied and put their insecurities out in front of the people.
We have been helping other students in the school since, and I’m proud that I changed a few people and started my own blog to impact even more people. Insecurities are only scary when hidden. Expose them to the world and witness them melt away.
I am Harshit Sagar and this was my story of self growth.

I’m a 16 year old living in India with a passion for writing.
This is so inspiring Harshit! May God bless you in your life. You battled fear and insecurity with love and courage. That is commendable.
I too follow and enjoy the teachings of Jay Shetty. Bullying is nothing more than someone reflecting their insecurities to others in hopes of not feeling alone in their feelings.