This post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion.
One day you find yourself standing at the edge of a cliff. Down below is nothing but darkness and there is no sound to give away what might be in the gaping hole before you. There is nothing behind you of use and the only direction you can go is forward. Your heart races as your foot slowly slides from the solid, familiar ground, and down you fall without a clue of where you’ll end up. All you can do is make the jump.
This is the most accurate way I can describe taking a leap of faith into the unknown. It can be terrifying not knowing the end result or if you’ll hit the ground before you’ve fallen very far. There are moments in life, though, when there is no turning back. What lies behind us is behind us for a reason. Succumbing to fear and taking a step back instead of forward is the most growth stunting action to take.
In my personal life, I have taken that leap off the cliff in the pursuit of becoming a writer. I’ve begun my own blog and am working my butt off constantly to network and to gain experience and credibility. Through my writing you won’t sense the fear or the doubt and insecurity, but I promise you it’s there, constantly gnawing at my heart and mind. Yes, all of those emotions are worth it because I’m doing what I love. The end result remains to be seen, but I have faith I’ll end up where I need to be.
Once you take the leap, the rush you feel as you’re falling will push you to keep making those jumps forward instead of steps backward. There’s not a guarantee your risk will pay off, but the lessons you learn through the journey will mold you into the person you’re meant to be. The unknown isn’t something we should shrink in fear from; it’s something we should train ourselves to rush into with open arms and excitement over what it could hold. You will always regret the chances you didn’t take, so why pass them up? There is no failure, simply unexpected learning outcomes.
Trust the process of leaping and figuring it out as you go. Your path isn’t meant to be completely figured out. That’s what makes life such a great adventure! Be an explorer of the unknown, a forger of your own trail. There is no such thing as failing or doing it wrong, simply live to the best of your ability. The beauty of being unique people is we are meant to walk down our unique paths. A life well spent is a life of risks and being bold in the face of fear. No one was meant to live with subdued dreams or a lifestyle of settling. Constantly be brave enough to take leaps into where your heart and passion take you because it’ll take you where you are meant to be.
Take a deep breath, gather your courage, and make the jump because you won’t regret it for even a second.
My name is Madison Huffman and I am 19 years old. Born and raised in Nashville, TN, I couldn’t be more grateful to call the place home. I am currently working as the social media director and content creator for the Odyssey and have my own personal blog up and running. If you can’t find me at your local coffee shop, I’m probably screaming at a Preds game, or chasing after my puppy.
So much wisdom for a 19 year old! My goodness! I thought you were so much older. Keep writing baby girl, you’re a beautiful writer and you’re absolutely on a path God has gifted for!!!
Love this: “What lies behind us is behind us for a reason. Succumbing to fear and taking a step back instead of forward is the most growth stunting action to take.” So simple, yet profound. And true. I feel the same way about my venture into blogging and writing, but God is teaching me that faith trumps fear. Great post!