This post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion.
Do you ever feel like you have too many things to do in a day? Do you feel overwhelmed when you write out your never-ending task list for the day?
I have often felt this way before. Let me share with you some tips that have been helping me become more organized and less stressed by my task lists. And let me gift you with a free Daily Task List I designed. It’s been a helpful resource for me and I hope it will help you, too.
5 Tips for Creating a Task List
1. Be realistic.
Do not write down way more tasks on your list than you have time for because this will only leave you feeling overwhelmed in the moment and feeling shame at the end of the day when you look at your long, unchecked list.
2. Challenge yourself.
Now I know this might sound like it contradicts with the previous tip, but hear me out. I do not want you to be so unrealistic that you feel unaccomplished at the end of the day, but I also don’t want you setting your goals too low either. Challenge yourself a bit.
3. Think about what absolutely NEEDS to get done today.
And be honest with yourself. Write these “must-do”s down first so you do not forget the most important tasks that need to take top priority.
4. Then write down what you’d like to get done today
Or what needs to get done sometime this week, but not necessarily today. These are things that you can do to get ahead if you get your must-dos done quicker than expected today.
5. Break it up.
This will help you to remember the smaller tasks that go along with your bigger tasks. It will also help you to feel more accomplished when you check them off as you’re working on the project as a whole. Just don’t get too crazy and spend more time checking off than doing the tasks 😉
Some say the hardest tasks should be done 1st, but others say the smallest/easiest tasks should be done 1st. Which should I do?
I believe it is a mix of both, but only YOU can determine that for YOU.
Start with the hardest task 1st.
Your brain is like any other muscle in your body and gradually depletes of energy as the day goes on. Though you may not feel like it if you’re not a morning person, your brain is functioning at its best earlier in the day after a good, healthy breakfast.
But I thought you said both, Anna. What did you mean?
Well, I believe smaller tasks can be done earlier in certain situations.
Have you been working on that hard task for a long time and you’re feeling completely overwhelmed by it and your whole darn never-ending list?
Well then take a break and complete one of the tasks you know you can accomplish quickly and with ease. This will give you just the confidence boost you need (oh that glorious feeling of accomplishment as your pen in hand forms a mark of victory upon that little check box!) to be able to continue on to other tasks or go back to try and tackle that grander task once again.
Be sure to schedule time for a break/rest.
Write it down as an item on your task list, if you must. But make sure you give yourself a much needed break. Perhaps this could be a reward for getting a certain number of tasks done. This has worked really well for me. It helps me to push harder and stay motivated for longer when I know a break is at the end of this task. Just don’t be taking like a 30 minute break for every 5 minutes of work! 😉
Don’t forget to grab your free daily task list!
The list has 4-square boxes to help you keep track of your progress, if you so desire.
Do you ever work on a task for a really long time, but feel overwhelmed when you still cannot cross anything off of your task list because it technically is not finished yet? Well with the 4-square box, you can check off how much you have completed. (i.e. Finish 25% of your task? Fill in one box)
This will give you that sense of accomplishment and it will help you to remember how much of the task you have already finished.
I’ve also made a free Weekly Task List.
However, this is exclusive to subscribers.
Subscribers are people who choose to receive email newsletters from me. As a subscriber, you will receive one email a week with the new post of the week. You will also occasionally receive other emails with bonus tips and resources!
Just type your name and email address in one of the subscribe boxes, confirm your subscription, and then you will soon receive a Welcome email from me.
At the bottom of my emails, there will be a web address and password to access my super special resources page.
I call it The Secret Grove. ooooOOOOoooo 🙂
In The Secret Grove, you can find bonus material, links, and resources. You don’t want to miss out. I want to give extra to those who want to take their growth seriously.
Have you read part one of this mini series on Planning for Success? There are 2 free calendars there!
Planning for Success–Part One: Calendars
I really appreciate working through the TO DO lists. I liked the idea of the 4-square box so you can note accomplishment along the larger and longer tasks. I often break down tasks into smaller units to check off what’s been accomplished. Because I want to move forward, I’ve even worked on a task, made a reentry into my TO DO just so I could “check it off”. Yeah, I’m weird and wired like that.
I love this right now I have a planner so I do not need the to do list. However, the tips you gave are going to came in handy when I am taking my last three classes. I have overwhelmed myself a few times with big projects and burned out. Might have saved myself a headache if I had switched to something easy to do.
I hope your last three classes go well! 🙂
Same for me, Iman! There were times when I felt like I needed to get the biggest project done first because it was the most important, but I probably would’ve been more productive with the big project if I would’ve taken a much needed break to switch to something easier.