This post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion.
August 2016’s E.P.I.C. Story is about Raven Martin! I met this lovely lady in college when she auditioned for our traveling ensemble. Ever since she first opened her mouth in that classroom, I’ve been WOWed by her voice every time! She has one of the most beautiful, rich singing voices I’ve ever heard and the voice of her heart is even richer and more beautiful. She’s not afraid to use her passionate and articulate voice to bring about justice and spread love. With great joy I introduce to you Raven Martin! Be inspired! <3
Tell us a little about yourself. Who are you? What should we know about you?
“Trying to explain myself and describe what really makes me me is often so difficult for me. I really feel like I am at a pivotal place in my life and I, with full consultation from the Holy Spirit, am forming and defining myself every day.
As I’ve evolved, one consistent trait that has remained and increased is my attitude of service to people. My early life circumstances have shaped within me a heart of service that has become a large part of my existence. The intense need to help and serve others in any capacity that I can has become the nucleus of my being. Though I take no credit for this attitude because it is shaped in the moral compass, compassion, and empathy that the cross provides. Jesus compels me to love and kindness and, when I fail, my identity is shaped in all that He is.”
Tell us about your work with LoveJoy Middle School.
“In summer 2015 I was brought in as an intern shadowing the school social worker and counselor on staff. When they found out that I could sing, they asked if I wanted to be a part of their summer program and teach something relative to singing. So I decided to start a musical theater class called theatre fanatics. I went in with the mentality that I could help them in some sort of way, when in actuality they ended up changing my life tremendously.
The children, like me, grew up and beat insurmountable odds, more than I could have ever even imagined. What started out as me teaching musical theatre to adolescent girls ended up being a life changing experience. Many of these girls faced poverty stricken homes and faced horrible situations. What we created in our classroom became a haven of happiness and hope. Many of the girls are now pursuing acting, singing, and dancing as a result of the time we spent together last summer. But what I and those girls took away from that class has left a lasting imprint on all of our hearts.”
The Journey of Growth
What are some areas of your life that you feel you have grown the most in?
“My growth has undoubtedly been two-fold. I have grown in my ability to forgive people that have wronged me and extend mercy towards people that have made bad decisions. There have been many obstacles in my life that made it very difficult for me to have compassion on people and forgive regardless of their actions. I became so battered and broken through many years of familial abuse that I was unable to find love within my heart to forgive people.
In turn, I began to seek love in so many other different places other than where I ought to have looked and got with a guy that I thought I would marry. We had sex and I faced many repercussions because of it. After I suffered because of my bad decisions, I began to realize that I was losing and getting drowned in my own mess because, firstly, I was harboring so much unforgiveness in my heart and, secondly, because I was now judging people for the same behaviors that I was “secretly” engaging in and suffering from the residuals from it!”
What happened in your life to cause you to take serious action and intentionally take the journey of growth?
“My senior year of high school I was bounced around from couch to couch looking for physical assistance, no time to tend to all of the abuse, hurt, and pain that I was running from because I needed my immediate needs met. Once I went away to school, I was finally at a comfortable place having all of my physical needs met; then the whirlwind of emotions and trauma surfaced. This, after years of just doing enough to get by and masking so much hurt and pain that I was facing. Once it came to head–all of my bad decisions, all of my unforgiveness, everything that was hurting me–I was unable to function completely and God literally brought me to a halt emotionally and awakened me spiritually. My growth, specifically in these areas, can be attributed to nothing but the grace and mercy of God.”
Overcoming Obstacles
What was one of the biggest obstacles you faced? How did you overcome it?
“Overcoming obstacles has sort of been the basis for my entire life. I have gone through insurmountable trauma in my life, so much so that life became almost difficult to live many times. However, in spite of everything that I experienced I still managed, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, of course, to create a life to myself that is productive and contributes to the greater good of this world.”
Learning to Love
How have you learned to love and appreciate yourself more over the years?
“I love myself with the thought in the back of my mind that no one, aside from Christ, will ever love you as much as you love yourself. If you are unable to love yourself, then how could you ever expect people to love you, especially in a way that is fulfilling for you? I had to come to the realization that either I love myself and allow myself full access to the destiny that God has for me OR continue to succumb to the hurt and pain that was wrongfully inflicted on me. Loving myself was the only option I had aside from self-destruction. I knew that I wanted more for myself and my “more” could not be accessed while being bitter, angry, and harboring misplaced guilt.”
How have you learned to love and appreciate others more over the years?
“When I came to Christ, I recognized the sinful nature that all human beings are born into. This realization helped me to realize that no one can be depended on 100% and that that is actually not something to be angry about, it’s really ok. Just like me, people are flesh and susceptible to mistakes, but alongside of that reality is people’s innate feeling of compassion and empathy. I can’t help but to love others because I realized through my own personal experiences that we are ALL simply just trying to find fulfillment within our lives and reach our best potential. I do not have time to withhold love from other people because the world is already filled to capacity with hatred and people who intend to stunt your growth. I figure, why would I contribute to that? Even in the worst of times, it is easier for me to love because that is what the world needs. That is what saved my life.”
Motivation & Advice
What is one of your biggest motivations today?
“My greatest motivation now, and probably forever, is the power of potential and tomorrow. I am always ecstatic at the fact that there is always tomorrow and that as long as we are living, breathing, and functional, there is potential within us that could change our lives drastically. That is so comforting to me.”
What advice or encouragement would you give to a younger you?
“The best advice I would give to my younger self would be that there is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS something to be grateful for, so don’t sweat the small stuff. Even in my darkest of days I am still able now to look back and find the good within each of those times. Had I found the energy within me to be grateful for what I did have, I could have saved myself a lot of pitfalls.”
Reaping the Benefits
What have been some of the most rewarding parts of your hard work?
“Some of the most rewarding parts of my hard work has been to look back on where I have come from with a feeling of liberation and joy. Knowing that I no longer have to be confined to sadness, but rather advise some other person who is currently where I was is such a fulfilling feeling and creates such a platform of authentic gratefulness and worship.”
Such a great inspiration!! I know that I’ll be seeing more from this young lady!
Thank you for sharing and using your life to inspire others Raven!
Amazing testimony! What a blessing.
Beautiful story and I was excited to read as I am a singer myself (mainly in worship leading). 🙂