Have you ever paused to think about the voice in your head? The images, words, and feelings swirling around. The inner voice that tells you to “keep going” or “just give up.” The narrator that runs a constant commentary about your life, as well as anything and everything around you.
The Crippling Fear of Making the Wrong Choice
During my epic relaunch party in September 2017, I asked my readers the question, “What is 1 of your biggest fears that holds you back?” The #1 answer had to do with the fear of failure. Making the “wrong” choice. Becoming successful and then dropping the ball. Family suffering because
The Fear Challenge ’17
As you and I have been chasing our “500 pound lions” (big dreams!), one of the biggest obstacles my readers have said gets in their way or holds them back is FEAR. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of what others will think of them. Fear of the risks.
Taking a Leap of Faith Into the Unknown
This post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion. One day you find yourself standing at the edge of a cliff. Down below is nothing but darkness and there is no sound to give away what might be in the gaping hole before you. There is nothing behind you of