This post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion. Introduction August 2016’s E.P.I.C. Story is about Raven Martin! I met this lovely lady in college when she auditioned for our traveling ensemble. Ever since she first opened her mouth in that classroom, I’ve been WOWed by her voice every time!
Growth > Grades
Over the past few weeks we’ve been in a series called “Reflections of a College Valedictorian” where I’ve shared some lessons from my experience that I hope will place other students farther ahead of the game and keep them from making some of the same mistakes I did. If you’d
I won’t have any friends if I pursue self-improvement
This post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion. If I keep improving, I’ll outgrow all of my good friendships. No one I care about will like me if I change. I either need to please my friends to keep them or continue my growth and have no friends. What
I should evaluate my growth by the growth of others.
This post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion. In one year’s time she was way farther along than I am. I must not be good enough. All of these people are so much better at this than I am. I must not be growing as much as I should
I have to see results to count it as improvement.
This post originally appeared on Anna’s 1st blog, Annamotion. I’ve been working hard at this for months and I’m wondering if it’s been a waste. I’m not seeing the fruit of my labor yet. I must not be improving at all! Have you ever thought this? Perhaps you’ve been strength
My past has no value for my present & future.
Looking back keeps me from moving forward. Why would I waste my time and make myself feel bad by looking back at times of my past that I am embarrassed by? My past is worthless to me; I’d rather just forget it and pretend it never happened because it reminds